Thursday, April 4, 2013

Innocence Lost

Is Child Innocence Lost?

Growing Up Too Fast Too Soon (Third Edition)-25th Anniversary Edition

Through the years children have adapted, transformed, and grown into adulthood. Some say this transition is happening way to fast, and that children aren’t being allowed to enjoy there innocent years of childhood. Researchers have conducted studies that show how children used to be to what they have become. With the increase in technology children are spending less time outside playing and more time inside keeping busy was some sort of technology. Using technology is not the only thing that is caring out innocence in children but also having them put out in public as a poster child. This is something that is corrupting children because of the feedback that blasts back. Directly quoting the problem, “blurring the boundaries of what is age appropriate, by expecting-or imposing-too much too soon, we force our kids to grow up too fast, to mimic adult sophistication while secretly yearning for innocence.” Children are being used to be in magazines, and everyone knows that in order to be in a magazine you need to be perfect. There was controversy with a child who is 10 years old that posed for Vogue in the UK. This is a controversial topic because the parents of the daughter said “ My daughter isn’t even showing any skin, nor is she naked” many people are upset at the fact of how provocative she looks. Also, the audience that Vogue delivers to is a more mature crowd. I remember when I was a kid, and the only thing resembling a magazine that attracted me was the ones with stickers in them. It’s sad to see that children are slowly being used in replacement for adults. Moving through 2013, it is probably only going to get worse because they age we look at for children to give them responsibilities is getting younger.

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