Thursday, April 11, 2013

It's True!

Walking onto the row, looking at the first house I walked by that was decorated in a  “Flashback” Theme of the 90’s it took many of the older class back to there days of Spice Girls, Backstreet boys, and my all time favorite Nsync. It was interesting to watch people dress up, and really get into the theme. Hair scrunchies, plaid, washed out jeans, and funky patterns not something you would typically see on an average night out on the row. I used to think that people would go out to enjoy the company of friends, making new ones and having fun but slowly it’s turned into a prowl of who to take home. From the time I walked in 11:30pm to the time I walked out 1:30am, it turned from groups to couples. People who had come together in groups were now walking out hand in hand with someone else. It is an interesting that this semester I have been focusing on how relationships are no longer happening, and here right in front of my eyes is my own peers, are helping the relationship level go down. All the blogs, and peer reviewed studies are all put into picture when I walk into a party and exactly what I have read it basically what I am looking at. Hooking- up is the popular trend that doesn’t look like it is going to end anytime soon. In other term like many people say these days “YOLO” you only live once, people are going to do what they want to do. 

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