Friday, April 19, 2013

Crunch Time!

Crunch time! Many of you, or maybe even none of you are graduating this coming up May. I say “coming up” but I really mean less then 4 weeks. The prep and stress that goes into graduation isn’t only based on “if” you are going to pass your classes but, what you are going to wear?, how are you going to put your hair? Are your pictures ready to be mailed out to family and friends? Have you even gone to the bookstore? Have you even taken pictures? And of course will they say your name correctly during graduation. There are countless things that are going through a graduate’s head as the days go by and gradation will soon sneak up. First of all the bookstore isn’t the best of help with trying to order the slashes, gown and cap. Who wants to wait in a long line three days before graduation picking up the cap and gown?! NO ONE! Come on, USC we pay enough to have them sent to our houses. Also, don't wait to book appointments to get your hair done, those book up. Anyways, if you haven’t gotten all that stuff you are looking at a couple hours in line at the bookstore, hanging out with the rest of the people that didn’t get there earlier. I think this will give people a kick in the butt to hurry up and not procrastinate things for graduation.  

P.S Don't trip one stage!

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