Friday, April 26, 2013

Last Post

The process of hooking up is a flow, eventually as people get older I think this will die down. I had an interesting conversation with a couple of my roommates, about hooking up. Everyone does it, and to different extremes. We are all relatively the same age, and we all transferred at the same time. Everyone has experience a night on the row, but the transition of how “we” acted then and looking at us now I think it’s a completely turn around. People grow up, I feel that we are living proof because half of us have boyfriends that have been relatively long and the scene of being crazy and wild have slowly died down. Not to say that we are boring but the type of fun has changed to more of a social gathering then just taking shots after shots.
I really do think that it is a process that people will go through until they finally realize they need to grow up. My first open post was about basically bashing college students because there aren’t that many people dating anymore but through the semester I learned that it’s just a transition that people go through. Don’t get me wrong there are those seldom few that will forever be those hook up people but for the most of us it will slowly change. Relationships come with age, I think. 

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