Friday, March 29, 2013

Voice Post

21st Century Relationships:
Exploring the path of conscious dating and partnership

Post 1:
Moving on from the Reactive Relationship

The author of this blog starts with a funny nothing viewing both side in which relationships could be looked at “On the one hand, there's the plethora of fairytale romances that are always easy, and are filled with a seemingly endless supply of happiness and pleasure. On the other hand, there are all these folks out there peddling the idea that because the fairytale is a lie, the truth must be that all of this relationship stuff is "hard work" and requires endless amounts of sacrifice and compromise.” Giving out the a two sided argument giving people and understanding that there are many ways to look at relationships. The two sides he mentioned are the typical sides.
The voice of the authors writing is not to offend either party, because they are not biased on what kind of relationship it is, who they are, or even how many there are. The emotions that they are projecting are sympathetic for people that are in love but are having a struggling time getting past their problems.

The author gives examples of different scenarios that occurs in relationships commonly then gives help to solve the matter. “You and your partner have just finished eating dinner. You get up to go into the other room, leaving the dishes behind in the sink. You're partner doesn't like dirty dishes in the sink and makes some remark about how it would be nice to have a clean kitchen.”  This is something that can spark an argument. The author writes about recognizing the patterns and how this leads down two either paths, an argument or moving on from the matter, which is just letting it, bottle up. Using the words; recognize, feelings, emotions, appreciation and conscious are all part of a relationship. These words come up continuously through out the blog, also in different synonyms.

This blog can relate to my blog topic because it focuses on relationships, even though I had a focus on hook-up culture this blog gives tips in making a relationship work. People that read this post will be getting tips on how to improve or better understand situations in there relationship

Post 2: Screw “Dating”: Let’s Hang Out!

Online dating was one of the topics I decided to write on, low and behold Kelly Seal has written a blog about online dating. The voice in this blog is a bit cynical but very opinionated because the options for online dating can lead to different things. The options of online dating can lead to dating, hanging out, casually hooking up or being exclusive. The tone that can take place while talking online can be misleading though.
She uses the word “Ambiguity” which is part of anyone life of dating because you really don’t know what you are getting yourself into let alone doing it online. This is an informational blog that gives examples of what could and has happened through online dating.
Something that is relative to my post is when she said, “In just over a decade's time, we went through the meteoric rise of online dating, and the corresponding cultural struggles to develop appropriate guidelines and mores for people trying to meet each other, and develop successful relationships.”  Times have changed drastically and people are leading to the online dating because it’s easier for some.

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