Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Social Bookmarking Soulmates

The idea that there are things in the world that many people have in common to love makes me question how there aren’t more connections with people then there are now.  Different websites like Delicious, Pinterest, even Twitter and Instagram have words that are trending which are tags. I decided to use Pinterest as one of my sites to use as my social bookmarking, I followed a couple interests that varied from, food, jewelry, colors and quotes. Trying not to be a stalker I found a girl that had the similar interest as me. Alejandra Garibay, who happens to be an associate creative director, and art director in New York City, has 120 different boards that are the bookmakers and 35,529 pins that represent the tags. A little less then half of her boards are relating to colors, within those boards the colors are varied from different objects. For example the color red, in the folder there is red paint, red apples, red clothing, red apples and strawberries, red cars and lipsticks. Besides with the color red, she also has folders with the same idea with blue, yellow and green. All of the folders are organized precisely to the category it falls under. With Pinterest there are options to “like” or “pin” the pictures and tags. I have been checking on Pinterest and so far she has been going on daily to like and pins new pictures.
Another person I had a lot of similar pins with was Alison Lavery but she only had 37 boards, and had 2,336 pins. Many of the comments she has made, are one worded adjectives that was describing the pictures.
I also took the liberty in looking into the website “Delicious” and the tags that I followed were etsy, art, jewelry, tips, news, throwbacks, Olympics, and actress. I decided to follow Radar_Online. They are dedicated to providing news 24/7 of breaking news in the media. I decided to use them as one of the profile I follow because they have a wide range of different tags that I can relate too.

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