Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Jennifer Eashoo

As I conceptualize it the field of feminism and writing technologies includes histories of specific technologies, such as Internet, satellite TV and other interpenetrating communications infrastructures; printing, xeroxing and other forms of reproduction; computers, book wheels, codex and other linking devices; alphabets, chirographs, sound and video recording and other forms of inscription; pencils, typewriters and other marking implements; paper, screen and other surfaces of display; epic poetry, telenovelas and other formalized oralities; pictographs, websites and other artifacts of visual culture. It also includes the methods by which such technologies are studied in the academy and understood in everyday life: the working relations of technologies-in-use, including the formal and popular technologies of knowledge-making.... It is feminism - theory and activism - that offers the ways of thinking about power investigating such methods. "Writing" in this sense comprehends its largest meaning: it participates in oralities, rather than becoming their opposite. (emphasis mine)

“As I conceptualize it the field of feminism and writing technologies includes histories of specific technologies, such as Internet, satellite TV and other interpenetrating communications infrastructures; printing…… other artifacts of visual culture”  The Author is providing the reader with the main point for his paper, he wants to hypothesize two fields that he also specifies specifically by listing all the structures within.

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