Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hooking Up: Sex, Dating, and Relationships on Campus

Hooking Up: Sex, Dating, and Relationships on Campus

It’s funny to think that the students in our class are the same students that you run into out on the streets, parties, clubs and bars. You never know about the kid that sits next too you that is always participating in class could also be the kid crowd surfing. Then there is a question that people should think about is  “After college will I ever see them again?” I find really interesting that people really don’t think about the future as much as they do for good and wrong reasons. The good for thinking about what comes after college and bad for thinking about consequences. College hook- ups are typically just a phase for the ones that might lack maturity who don’t want to commit.  Everyone does it, freshman, sophomores, juniors and even seniors. Although as they get older they come to understand there is more to just hooking up and actually finding someone to date. There isn’t anything wrong with hooking up but eventually people get older and that phase goes away. College is seen as a time to make mistakes, and have experiences. So, why not hook up with everyone? If college is about being young, then the possibilities are basically endless. RELATIONSHIPS, this is what happens college students get freaked out, typically the men because they don’t want to be held back. It is a controversial topic because they like the person they are hooking up with but also want to hook up with other people. In this article they did a research, it showed that women want to start a relationship after the hook up, which scares off the man. Have no fear women this is just a phase through college that men have because after college reality hits. As we get older we want to find the sol person we would like to spend forever with.
It’s funny to think that hooking up could be closely related to the age of someone but even people that are not in college hook up. We have bachelors that after a certain age will always be living the single life. Marriage isn’t for everyone, which is why not everyone gets married.

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