Friday, February 8, 2013

Children, Technology, and Culture: The Impacts of Technologies in Children's Everyday Lives

Children, Technology, and Culture: The Impacts of Technologies in Children's Everyday Lives

We all know that our phones are attached to our hands no matter if you are out on the weekends, dinner with friends, on a date, or even walking to class. It is a given that if you look up from what ever you are doing you are bound to see someone on there phone. This is setting an example for the children that are present and who watch everything. Having technology at the tip of our hands literally is a good but scary thing.
With children being taught about technology and having them use it as a resource isn’t a good idea because what happens when the internet crashes, power goes out or people that cant afford the devices. In schools teachers allow students to use there laptops, I am not saying that it is bad for college students today because we’ve already gone through middle school having to do everything the harder way with writing everything out. Schools allow children to use iPads that are provided within the classroom to do different assignments. This is neglecting the learning process of writing, using cursive, and using a pencil/pen. It is a scary thought that soon children might not be able to read cursive, all the letters that have been passed down with families might not even be able to be read! Technology has really taken over, but it is the job of adults to not let it take over children’s lives. Not only is the problem with cell phones but even video games. Children spend more time inside with the screen in their face then outside, being active. There was a time when I went to a friends house, and her little brother was so involved with the game that even if I said the house was on fire he wouldn’t budge.  This thought that children will lack the quality of being able to be sociable is horrible.  From gadgets, mobile devices, computers, and surfing the web, think about a whole day without technology, I don’t think there is one person that is reading this that could possibly go a day with out using it. It would be an interesting experiment to see how many hours or even days someone can go without using there technology to find things out, instead go old fashion and do everything as if technology didn’t control out lives.

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