Friday, February 1, 2013

Online Dating

 Online Dating Services - Chronology and Key Features Comparison with Traditional Dating

    Online dating, who does, why do they do it, and is it a sign of being lazy or just socially awkward.
 Today the social network has been something that has been put in the palm of our hands. People will be in social gathering, yet be more involved with there mobile device. Online dating has made it easier for people to meet but if you look at it, it’s kind of like picking out a puppy because they have everything listed for you, (where they are from, weight, personal information, culture, ethnicity, qualities, what they like to do for fun, favorite foods, or what they are allergic to) basically giving people the information, and not allowing them to take the time to get to know each other. Everyone that has been in a long lasting relationship knows that they key to a successful relation is both people taking the TIME to get to know each other.
There are many online dating sites, some that are free and others that you pay monthly. Instead of spending the monthly fees people should spend that money going out to meet people first hand. Website dating isn’t a complete waste though because there are stories of happily ever after marriages but then again there are marriages that are successful that are formed from maid ordered brides that seem happy but it’s only because they have no other choice. I think this article is fun, and can branch off into comparing and contrasting the benefits.
Some pros of online dating are, it gives people a hope of finding someone, to which they think they could never find.  The bigger problem that online dating helps with is with people who lack social, and communication skills. People have different ways to communicate writing, and then face-to-face communication.
The con’s of online dating is you really don’t know a person until you meet them.  Technology can be very deceiving with what is put online and the person you think you are interested could be completely opposite.  People lie on websites to enhance there chances in finding someone they think would be perfect for them.
Regardless of the pro’s and con’s online dating is still continue to grow, people no longer have time to put in the effort and the want to get to know someone.  Business takes over pleasure and the easy way to meet people is basically putting in a resume of people to grab or pass through.

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