Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Social Bookmarking Soulmates

The idea that there are things in the world that many people have in common to love makes me question how there aren’t more connections with people then there are now.  Different websites like Delicious, Pinterest, even Twitter and Instagram have words that are trending which are tags. I decided to use Pinterest as one of my sites to use as my social bookmarking, I followed a couple interests that varied from, food, jewelry, colors and quotes. Trying not to be a stalker I found a girl that had the similar interest as me. Alejandra Garibay, who happens to be an associate creative director, and art director in New York City, has 120 different boards that are the bookmakers and 35,529 pins that represent the tags. A little less then half of her boards are relating to colors, within those boards the colors are varied from different objects. For example the color red, in the folder there is red paint, red apples, red clothing, red apples and strawberries, red cars and lipsticks. Besides with the color red, she also has folders with the same idea with blue, yellow and green. All of the folders are organized precisely to the category it falls under. With Pinterest there are options to “like” or “pin” the pictures and tags. I have been checking on Pinterest and so far she has been going on daily to like and pins new pictures.
Another person I had a lot of similar pins with was Alison Lavery but she only had 37 boards, and had 2,336 pins. Many of the comments she has made, are one worded adjectives that was describing the pictures.
I also took the liberty in looking into the website “Delicious” and the tags that I followed were etsy, art, jewelry, tips, news, throwbacks, Olympics, and actress. I decided to follow Radar_Online. They are dedicated to providing news 24/7 of breaking news in the media. I decided to use them as one of the profile I follow because they have a wide range of different tags that I can relate too.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Driving or Not

Distractions! Distractions! Distractions! You can be distracted by almost anything. Thinking about what I should write my paper #2 on I thought it would be interesting to talk about the distraction while driving. I’ve been thinking about all the things I could possible write about, whether it’s from personal experiences, blogs, and peer reviewed articles.  As I was driving to work taking Vermont all the up to the 101N freeway, I reached for my phone and realized that I was one of those drives who takes chances by being on their phone. Personally I don’t see anything wrong with checking your phone at a red light for a second, but it becomes a problem when you take longer then 2 seconds. As I put my phone down, I looked to my left and there was a lady who was putting on her mascara. She was driving the opposite way of me and the light had turned green but because she was way to involve on her eyelids, she was at a dead stop until the car behind her decided to honk the horn. On they list nine distractions that are known to drivers: texting, using a cell phone or smartphone, eating and drinking, talking to passengers, grooming, reading, including maps, using a navigation system, watching a video, adjusting a radio, CD player, or MP3. There are so many more distractions that are a problem that have nothing to do with having your hands pre occupied. People don’t understand that things on the outside are even more distracting because your eyes are wondering else were, instead of your attention being in front. Traffic, advertisements, and billboards can all be correlated to be just as equivalent to be a distraction. Next time you take a drive, while at a stop light take a quick glance around and look at the cars next too you. You will be amazed at the amount of people who are doing something else instead of paying attention to the road.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hooking Up: Sex, Dating, and Relationships on Campus

Hooking Up: Sex, Dating, and Relationships on Campus

It’s funny to think that the students in our class are the same students that you run into out on the streets, parties, clubs and bars. You never know about the kid that sits next too you that is always participating in class could also be the kid crowd surfing. Then there is a question that people should think about is  “After college will I ever see them again?” I find really interesting that people really don’t think about the future as much as they do for good and wrong reasons. The good for thinking about what comes after college and bad for thinking about consequences. College hook- ups are typically just a phase for the ones that might lack maturity who don’t want to commit.  Everyone does it, freshman, sophomores, juniors and even seniors. Although as they get older they come to understand there is more to just hooking up and actually finding someone to date. There isn’t anything wrong with hooking up but eventually people get older and that phase goes away. College is seen as a time to make mistakes, and have experiences. So, why not hook up with everyone? If college is about being young, then the possibilities are basically endless. RELATIONSHIPS, this is what happens college students get freaked out, typically the men because they don’t want to be held back. It is a controversial topic because they like the person they are hooking up with but also want to hook up with other people. In this article they did a research, it showed that women want to start a relationship after the hook up, which scares off the man. Have no fear women this is just a phase through college that men have because after college reality hits. As we get older we want to find the sol person we would like to spend forever with.
It’s funny to think that hooking up could be closely related to the age of someone but even people that are not in college hook up. We have bachelors that after a certain age will always be living the single life. Marriage isn’t for everyone, which is why not everyone gets married.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Children, Technology, and Culture: The Impacts of Technologies in Children's Everyday Lives

Children, Technology, and Culture: The Impacts of Technologies in Children's Everyday Lives

We all know that our phones are attached to our hands no matter if you are out on the weekends, dinner with friends, on a date, or even walking to class. It is a given that if you look up from what ever you are doing you are bound to see someone on there phone. This is setting an example for the children that are present and who watch everything. Having technology at the tip of our hands literally is a good but scary thing.
With children being taught about technology and having them use it as a resource isn’t a good idea because what happens when the internet crashes, power goes out or people that cant afford the devices. In schools teachers allow students to use there laptops, I am not saying that it is bad for college students today because we’ve already gone through middle school having to do everything the harder way with writing everything out. Schools allow children to use iPads that are provided within the classroom to do different assignments. This is neglecting the learning process of writing, using cursive, and using a pencil/pen. It is a scary thought that soon children might not be able to read cursive, all the letters that have been passed down with families might not even be able to be read! Technology has really taken over, but it is the job of adults to not let it take over children’s lives. Not only is the problem with cell phones but even video games. Children spend more time inside with the screen in their face then outside, being active. There was a time when I went to a friends house, and her little brother was so involved with the game that even if I said the house was on fire he wouldn’t budge.  This thought that children will lack the quality of being able to be sociable is horrible.  From gadgets, mobile devices, computers, and surfing the web, think about a whole day without technology, I don’t think there is one person that is reading this that could possibly go a day with out using it. It would be an interesting experiment to see how many hours or even days someone can go without using there technology to find things out, instead go old fashion and do everything as if technology didn’t control out lives.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Online Dating

 Online Dating Services - Chronology and Key Features Comparison with Traditional Dating

    Online dating, who does, why do they do it, and is it a sign of being lazy or just socially awkward.
 Today the social network has been something that has been put in the palm of our hands. People will be in social gathering, yet be more involved with there mobile device. Online dating has made it easier for people to meet but if you look at it, it’s kind of like picking out a puppy because they have everything listed for you, (where they are from, weight, personal information, culture, ethnicity, qualities, what they like to do for fun, favorite foods, or what they are allergic to) basically giving people the information, and not allowing them to take the time to get to know each other. Everyone that has been in a long lasting relationship knows that they key to a successful relation is both people taking the TIME to get to know each other.
There are many online dating sites, some that are free and others that you pay monthly. Instead of spending the monthly fees people should spend that money going out to meet people first hand. Website dating isn’t a complete waste though because there are stories of happily ever after marriages but then again there are marriages that are successful that are formed from maid ordered brides that seem happy but it’s only because they have no other choice. I think this article is fun, and can branch off into comparing and contrasting the benefits.
Some pros of online dating are, it gives people a hope of finding someone, to which they think they could never find.  The bigger problem that online dating helps with is with people who lack social, and communication skills. People have different ways to communicate writing, and then face-to-face communication.
The con’s of online dating is you really don’t know a person until you meet them.  Technology can be very deceiving with what is put online and the person you think you are interested could be completely opposite.  People lie on websites to enhance there chances in finding someone they think would be perfect for them.
Regardless of the pro’s and con’s online dating is still continue to grow, people no longer have time to put in the effort and the want to get to know someone.  Business takes over pleasure and the easy way to meet people is basically putting in a resume of people to grab or pass through.